Tips for Troubleshooting Common Printer Problems

Printing documents might cause a lot of trouble if you don’t know how to print in the right way. Printing is not simply clicking “print” and you got what you want in a printed document. You should know about the printer driver download, what kind of paper you should use, the kind of ink, the size of the paper, and many things. Knowing nothing about all these things will lead you to troubles like paper jams, messy printed documents, and even can cause your printer to be broken.

Troubleshooting the Most Common Printer Problems

Well, if you are a printer virgin, then you come to the right place. If you are having trouble while printing documents, here are several common problems and each solution to them.

  • Paper Jams

The most common problem that occurred while printing is paper jams. This trouble is a nightmare for printer virgins because they don’t know how to solve this trouble. I know, the first thing in your mind is to pull out the paper, but you’re afraid of breaking the printer right? Well, you’re in the right way. Just pull out the jammed paper, and tidy up the paper again.

Jammed paper usually occurred because the paper is not lined with the printer. Messy paper or folded paper also causes this kind of problem. So, make sure to tidy up all the papers you prepared to print documents. Dust or dirt will also cause this problem, so maintain your printer’s cleanliness to prevent other troubles.

  • Printer Driver Problem

If you are printing documents and receive a message “No driver found”, then you experience the printer driver problem. The printer driver acts as a bridge to connect your computer with your printer. The driver needs to be updated regularly in order to make sure the printer will work just fine. The solution to this is to find a printer driver download that is compatible with your printer and install it. You can also just update the driver to make sure it is updated with the latest version.

  • Clogged Printhead

If you don’t use your printer often, you might experience this problem, the clogged printhead. The clogged printhead also often occurred as the cause of you receiving the message to change your cartridge on your printer.

The problem is, when you don’t use your printer often, the printer head will likely become dry and prevent the ink to make its way into the paper. Fixing this kind of problem is easy, you just have to unclog your printer head. However, unclogging will make your hand dirty filled with ink, and this will mess things up. The easiest solution to this problem is to prevent it to happen. That being said, you have to maintain your printer regularly.

Well, those are some common problems when you are using your printer. Remember to maintain your printer regularly to prevent all these common problems to happen in the next future. Also, don’t forget to always find the printer driver download which suits your printer brand and type to make sure the printer works fine.