Simple Strategies To Cut Body Calories

If we reduce calories by maintaining a diet, we can lose weight significantly. But this calorie reduction must be done appropriately. Cutting calories is a very popular diet trick. Nowadays, there are many methods of calorie counter. Many people believe that if you reduce calories, you can lose weight. Calories are a source of energy for the body and are the key to maintaining ideal body weight. Cutting calories by changing your diet doesn’t always change your body weight.

Some Easy Ways to Cut Calories

There are several factors that can affect the success of weight loss by cutting calories. Everyone’s calorie needs are different, depending on weight, height, and activity level. There are a number of strategies that can reduce calories appropriately, here are some of them.

Avoid Drinking Calories

It’s easy enough to cut calories if you avoid drinks with artificial sweeteners. There are several examples of drinks like this, soft drinks, juices with added milk and sugar, coffee, alcoholic beverages, and so on. Some of these drinks have a lot of calories. There are cases where the calories in sugary drinks can increase weight, increase the risk of diabetes and increase the risk of heart problems.

Limit Consumption of Processed Foods

Salt, sugar, and fat are dangerous food ingredients. If you consume sugary drinks, desserts, fast food, or cereals for breakfast, then it only encourages you to eat more. Therefore, as a substitute, you are better off eating foods that have a simple manufacturing process. This type of food is rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals needed by the body. A focused diet like this can also protect us from the temptation to want to eat more.

These calorie counter tips can ensure that our bodies get more appropriate nutrition according to the body’s needs. If now you usually eat processed food products, then try to slowly replace these types of foods with healthier foods that are processed more simply. You can replace cereal consumption by consuming oatmeal. Oatmeal can also be combined with fruit consumption. Also, replace chips with almonds or other healthy snacks.


It’s better for you to cook your own food menu, avoid often ordering food online. By preparing daily meals yourself, it can be the best way to keep our bodies from excessive calories. Cooking can help you to more easily control what ingredients are used. The portion needed can also be adjusted if we cook it ourselves. We can see immediately which foodstuffs have a lot of calories.

Limit the use of these ingredients and increase the number of ingredients that have fewer calories. If we buy food through online services, then we don’t know clearly what ingredients are used. It could be a lot of food ingredients that contain a lot of calories that can make us gain weight. Those are some things to consider if you want to reduce calories in the body. So we can be healthier and weight can be more controlled with those calorie counter.

Printer Hacks and Tricks You Must Know

Printing documents always considered important for office works. If you are a printer virgin, you might be having a lot of difficulties printing documents. When you undergo such things, you might need the right printer driver support & downloads.

For a printer virgin, going into settings and manage to install the driver to work things out is scary. Well, here are some guidance’s, well a little bit of hacks and tricks to make your printing skills upgraded. These hacks also reduce the amount of cost you needed. Printing a single document might cost you a few, but printing many documents might cost u a lot of bucks right? Let’s jump into these hacks.

Printer Hacks and Tricks

These hacks will surely help you as a beginner to do printing smart and efficiently. So, without further a due, let’s check these out!

  1. Printer Settings

For a beginner, going to setting and mess up with the default settings is quite scary. But, you need to go deep into the settings and try to manage them to save unnecessary ink waste.

All the unnecessary ink waste is caused by the resolution settings of the printer. So buckle up, get into the settings and change the resolution to be as low as you want. Try to experiment with wasted paper so that you don’t waste any more clean paper. Keep the resolution settings low, as long as its quality is maintained then you’ll be alright. The lower resolution also helps to reduce printing time, it means that your printer will work faster because its resolution quality is reduced.

  1. Black Ink Depleted, Help!

If you manage to see a case when you are low on black ink, and you need to print the document in a hurry, you can use these tips. Try to change the font in your document to dark blue or dark grey. The printer will print this document with color ink and you’re eventually saved!

  1. Grayscale Settings

Do you often print documents with black ink? Well, try to adjust the printer setting to grayscale. There is an option in the settings where you can “check” the grayscale setting. This will help you to print faster and save half of the ink!

  1. Choose Paper Wisely!

Paper is one most important things when it comes to printing documents. Well, but you don’t want to mess picking the wrong quality paper. Cheap quality paper will cause you a lot of trouble including printer jams, dust on your printer machine, and moisture. All these troubles will cost u a lot of bucks rather than saving to buy the cheap papers. So, when it comes to paper, choose good quality paper. Your documents will be good, and your printer will be well-maintained too.

Well, that’s all the printer hacks that you need to know. If you have trouble installing your printer, try to have some look at printer driver support & downloads. If you want to know more about printer hacks, stay up to date with our latest articles!

10 Tips to Achieve Anything in Life

Everyone wants to achieve everything they want. For that, they are willing to do everything possible to achieve it. Some people commit unlawful acts to achieve their goals.

How To Achieve Goals?

As good person we should use the right way to achieve everything that we think we want. Now there are several tips that you can use to help you achieve everything you want..

10 Tips For Achieving Anything In Life

Here are 10 tips that can help you achieve everything you want:

  1. Maintain Commitment.

Commitment has a big role to achieve a goal or desire. If you always keep your commitment and chances are you will get what you want.

  1. Appreciate the Process.

Don’t just look at the results of a job. You have to appreciate the process more because through the process you can rise to a higher level. Slowly but surely you can reach your goal.

  1. Although the process of self-development is fun.

The journey that transforms you into a better person you must enjoy. Maybe you will experience many difficulties in it, but you will gain a lot of new knowledge.

  1. Don’t Stop.

Even if you are stuck in difficult conditions, don’t stop halfway. If your mind is not calm, then you can repeat and move forward.

  1. Imagination.

By using your imagination, you can begin to learn to eliminate bad thoughts about yourself and everything around you. Bad thoughts will block and waste a lot of energy that you can use for various important activities.

  1. Don’t Pamper Yourself Too Much

Don’t allow yourself to be lazy and don’t hesitate to get out of your comfort zone. Get rid of fear and bad thoughts to start something challenging. If you can do that, then later you can develop further.

  1. Distracted.

You have to be good at avoiding distractions that are around you. For example, when you are attending a training carried out by the company, then you have to have fun until the training is complete. Having fun will be an obstacle in the middle of training so that the results you get will not be optimal.

  1. Be Yourself.

If you can’t do something, don’t keep relying on other people. You have to learn on your own to do it yourself. This will increase your skills and knowledge.

  1. Make a Plan.

Making short-term plans and long-term plans will certainly help you to achieve the goals you have set. Make sure everything you make is fulfilled so that your plan goes well.

  1. Don’t work too hard

Working too hard will make you tired. Fatigue that you experience does not only occur in your body but also in your mind. If you are in this condition, your performance will decrease and the results of your work will not be optimal.

Those are 10 tips you can use to help you achieve the goals you set. By applying these 10 tips you should be able to achieve your goals more easily. The most important thing is that you always have to work hard and learn the little things that you get every day. Learn more other tips here.

7 Tips for A Simple Life

Some people want a simple life. With the help of a few tips, we should be able to start living a simple life from now on. The most important thing is the willingness to change mindsets and attitudes. That way, you will slowly get used to living a simple life.

What Is A Simple Life?

A simple life is a life where a person is more focused on the essence of things. So, someone who lives a simple life will focus more on the goals they set, the value of things, and the priorities they have set. By focusing on these things, later life will feel simpler.

Simple Life Goals

The goal of simple life is to avoid or get rid of everything annoying, inconvenient, redundant, and messy. That way, a person’s body, and mental condition will become more stable every day. In addition, with a simple life, a person will also have more free time that can be used to do useful activities.

In the modern era, human life has become more complex. Nowadays most people are more complicated and busy because of their business. This is what makes it difficult for most people to learn to live simply. This is very reasonable because the busyness of everyone can not be simplified just like that.

You need to know that when someone succeeds in implementing a simple life at this time, then he will feel an easier life. An easier life is of course obtained from the time, energy, and material that is usually spent doing things outside of one’s life purpose. A person will also be healthier if he has managed to live a simple life at this time.

7 Simple Life Tips

There are 7 tips that you can use to help you live a simple life:

  1. Do Everything Slowly

To get a higher focus, you need to slow down the tempo of doing something. In addition, you can also eliminate things that can interfere with the work you are doing. Slowing down the pace in life will make you realize more things that might help you to achieve the goals you have set.

  1. Simplify Clothes

The purpose of the clothes used is to reduce the material of the clothes you wear today but to reduce the number of clothes you use from Monday to Sunday. Open your wardrobe and determine the clothes you will wear from Monday to Sunday.

You can set aside little clothes that are not included in the plan as a backup in case of damage to the clothes you wear every day. If there is still excess, then you can sell it or give it to relatives or other people who need it.

  1. Be Grateful Every Day

With, you will feel that whatever you get is suitable for your needs. That way, you won’t waste time and money chasing things that don’t match your life goals.

  1. Simplify Schedule

You can schedule a schedule by practicing saying “no” to other people when they ask you to do things that don’t suit your purpose in life. That way, your schedule will be simpler and freer time.

  1. Make time to do the laundry and clean the house

With a washing machine, you should immediately wash the dirty clothes you wear in 1 day. That way, your laundry will not pile up when the weekend arrives. This also applies to house cleaning.

  1. Tidying Things Up After Work

To avoid messy conditions, you should immediately tidy up the things you have used for work.

  1. Guided by Priorities

The priorities that you have made should be used as guidelines in living your daily life. That way, everything will go according to plan.

You can use the seven tips above to implement a simple life. If this suits your personality, then it never hurts to try. See more useful tips here.

16 Tips for Living a Happy Life

Everyone wants to feel happiness throughout their life. Sometimes the little things can make our life happier. Therefore, from now on we should not underestimate the little things that are around us.

Is It Important To Always Be Happy In Life?

Happiness is the most important thing in life. Therefore, we must always be happy so that our lives are filled with positive things. Someone always happy will certainly be more optimal in doing various things and their body health will always be maintained every day. Some even say that happiness is the key to longevity.

Currently, psychologists from all over the world have managed to find some tips that can help humans to feel happy life. The most important thing is that humans must have the desire to change for the better. With the help of the following tips, of course, we can feel a happier life.

16 Tips For Living A Happy Life

Here are 16 tips to make your life happier:

  1. Helping Others

Helping others will make you feel happy in itself. In addition, you have also shared kindness with others.

  1. Live For Today

Plant the suggestion in yourself that you live only for today. That way you will be calmer and happier.

  1. Be patient

You have to believe that life is not a race of speed, but endurance and patience.

  1. Throwing Revenge

Revenge will only waste a lot of your precious time. Besides, revenge will only bring bad effects.

  1. Balance Work and Fun

Working overtime does make a lot of money, but you won’t be happy without taking time to have fun.

  1. Believe That You Will Grow

Your current mistakes and inadequacies are only the beginning of your development to a higher level.

  1. Limit Busyness

Too much work will take away your happiness, so just work accordingly.

  1. Travel

Go to different places and find different social circles to make you more open-minded.

  1. Develop Social Skills

If you can easily socialize with various kinds of people, then you will always be happy.

  1. Plan B

You must have a backup plan when you want to do something to deal with the unexpected.

  1. Don’t Be Sad When Rejected

You don’t need to be sad when someone or a company rejects you, because it’s based on a mismatch.

  1. Money Isn’t Everything

Money can’t buy everything including time, health, and happiness.

  1. Act Immediately

If there is an opportunity, act immediately, because regret is always present at the end.

  1. Thankful

When you wake up from sleep, then you should be grateful for being allowed to live today.

  1. Everyone Loves You

You have to think that everyone loves you and get rid of your bad thoughts about them.

  1. Commitment

Make yourself a committed person, because commitment will lead you to a happy life.

Those are 16 tips to make your life happy. You can try to apply them one by one into your life and feel a positive impact on yourself. So far, many people have felt that the impact it has had on their lives has been tremendous. Psychologists also advise people to apply this.

Crunchy Cashew Crunch Salad with Sesame Dressing

Everyone craves food that tastes good but also has a good impact on health. Foods that taste good like junk food are not good for our bodies. While healthy foods made from vegetables generally have a less delicious taste.

You need to know that now there is a healthy menu that tastes very good. This dish is a crunchy cashew crunch salad with sesame dressing. This dish uses vegetables as the main ingredient mixed with a unique dressing. This dish is proven to be healthy and the taste is also unquestionable. Salad lovers will definitely like this one dish.


To cook cashew crunch salad with sesame dressing, you will need a few ingredients such as:

  1. Green Cabbage

The first ingredient is mustard greens. You need half a piece of green cabbage. Later this green cabbage will be made into small pieces with the help of a grater.

  1. Purple Cabbage

The second ingredient is purple cabbage. You will need half a piece of purple cabbage. Later this purple cabbage will also be grated into small pieces.

  1. Carrots

The third ingredient is carrots. You need carrots to give this dish a sweet taste. Later the carrots can be cut or grated into small pieces.

  1. Sesame Sauce

The fourth ingredient is sesame sauce. Sesame sauce is made from several ingredients. You will need olive oil, vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, and salt. These spices will give a delicious taste to the vegetable pieces that you have prepared.

  1. Salad Accompaniment

The fifth ingredient is salad accompaniment. You’ll need coriander, green onions, cooked edamame, and roasted cashews to complete this dish. These ingredients will add flavor to the salad.

Those are some of the ingredients you ordered to make cashew crunch salad with sesame sauce. Make sure you prepare all the necessary ingredients before cooking the resulting dish that has a super delicious taste. After all the ingredients are ready, next you have to understand how to cook cashew crunch salad with sesame sauce.

How To Cook

Here are the steps to make crunchy cashew crunch salad with sesame sauce:

First: clean the food ingredients that you will use such as carrots, green mustard, and purple cabbage until they are completely clean. All the ingredients must be clean because you will not be cooking this dish, but just mixing everything with the spices.

Second: after everything is clean, you can start grating the carrots, green cabbage, and purple cabbage into small pieces. If you find it difficult to find in the house, then you can use these vegetables. Make sure everything is cut well so you don’t go wrong when mixing the spices.

Third: place the vegetables on a large yoke along with side ingredients such as cilantro, scallion, cooked edamame, and roasted cashews. After that, add the olive oil, vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, and salt. Stir gently until everything is well mixed.

That’s the way to make crunchy cashew crunch salad with sesame sauce. You just need to follow the instructions provided to get a crunchy cashew crunch salad with sesame sauce. Try to cook this dish if you have free time and for more important information you can read here.

Harissa Chickpeas with Whipped Feta

Some people may think of chickpeas as a food ingredient that is less tasty when consumed. Though in the beans much nutrition is good for the health of the human body. Beans are even suitable for consumption by people who are on a diet to lose weight.

It wouldn’t be fair if people thought all chickpea dishes were bad. You need to know that there are bean dishes that taste very good. The dish is called harissa chickpeas with whipped feta. This dish uses chickpeas as the main ingredient which is given a variety of spices to make it a spicy food that is healthy for the body.


The following are some of the ingredients in harissa chickpeas with whipped feta that are good for health:

  1. Protein

This dish contains protein because the main ingredient is chickpeas. Protein is very good for the human body, especially for muscle and bone formation.

  1. Vitamin A

This dish contains vitamin A because it is made from tomatoes mixed into beans. Vitamin A is very good for maintaining human eye health.

  1. Calcium

This dish contains calcium derived from feta cheese. Calcium is very good for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

Those are some of the ingredients in harissa chickpeas with whipped feta that are good for the health of the human body. So, it can be said that this food is very suitable for maintaining the health of our bodies.


To cook harissa chickpeas with whipped feta, you will need a few ingredients such as:

  1. Canned Beans

The first ingredient is canned chickpeas. Beans are the main ingredient of this dish. Later the beans will be doused with water and drained until completely dry before being cooked along with other spices.

  1. Tomato

The second ingredient is tomatoes. The tomatoes will then be crushed and roasted for a few minutes before being mixed with the chickpeas.

  1. Lemons

The third ingredient is lemon. You will use the juice of a lemon and a few slices of lemon for a fresh taste in this dish.

  1. Cucumber

The fourth ingredient is cucumber. Cucumber will later be cut into cubes so that it is easier to mix with the chickpeas.

  1. Seasoning

The fifth ingredient is the seasoning for chickpeas consisting of feta, parsley, olive oil, garlic, salt, and cream cheese. Feta is not mixed with other spices but is placed on top of the dish as a topping.

  1. Ribbon Bread

The last ingredient is pita bread. Pita bread will complete this dish so you can be full after eating it. Adjust the amount of pita bread with your meal portion so you can be full.

How To Cook

Here are the steps to make harissa chickpeas with whipped feta:

First: clean the chickpeas that you bought using clean water and drain until completely dry.

Second: heat a pan and add olive oil. Once it’s hot enough, add the garlic and fry for a while. Add the tomatoes and chickpeas you cleaned. Gently stir and press with a spatula so that the tomatoes disintegrate. Then, add the lemon juice, salt, and parsley to a saucepan to add flavor to the chickpeas.

Third: make whipped feta by mixing feta cheese, cream cheese, and garlic into a blender. When it’s well blended, stop the blender and place the whipped feta in a bowl or other container.

Fourth: place the cooked chickpeas in a bowl and add the pita bread on the side. After that, add the whipped feta that you have made on top of the chickpeas.

That’s how to make harissa chickpeas with whipped feta. This food has a variety of content that is good for the human body. So, this food is perfect for those of you who are on a diet program.

Baked Salmon with Butter Lemon Sauce

Lately, a lot of people are interested in trying various kinds of food recipes. One of the most sought-after recipes today is grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce. This one food is considered easy to make and tastes very good. This menu contains very high nutrition because the ingredients used have a variety of good content.


To cook grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce, you need several ingredients such as:

  1. Salmon

The first ingredient is salmon. You need salmon as the main ingredient to make this dish. If you’re cooking for one person, you only need one piece of salmon.

  1. Broccoli

The second ingredient is broccoli. You can use fresh broccoli to accompany the salmon. The amount of broccoli can be adjusted according to your taste. You don’t need to cut the broccoli stems because later the broccoli will be grilled with the salmon.

  1. Baby Potato

The third ingredient is baby potatoes. Baby potatoes act as a complement to dishes that will make you full. You can use baby potatoes according to your meal portion.

  1. Butter Lemon Sauce

The third ingredient is butter lemon sauce. Butter lemon sauce is a sauce made by melting butter and mixing it with a little water and lemon juice. Other additional ingredients used are chopped shallots, spices, and cream.

Those are some of the ingredients needed to make grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce. With simple ingredients, you can already cook grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce which is super delicious.

How To Cook

Here are the steps to make grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce:

First: you can directly grill the salmon, broccoli, and baby potatoes in the oven. Make sure you separate the intervals for grilling the salmon and the accompanying ingredients so that they are done well. Bake on medium heat in just a few minutes.

Second: prepare butter lemon sauce as the main seasoning of this dish. Heat the pan and melt the butter. Once the butter has melted, add a little water to make it runny. You can add the onion, spices, and cream slowly. After everything is mixed, you can add lemon juice.

Finally: place the baked salmon, broccoli, and baby potatoes in a medium-sized bowl. You should arrange the salmon in the center of the bowl. As for broccoli and baby potatoes, you can place them next to salmon. After that, pour the butter lemon sauce that you have made into the salmon that you have placed in the bowl.

That’s how to make grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce. You can try it yourself at home because this dish is very simple. By following this recipe you should have no trouble cooking grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce.

This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner. Most people cook grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce for lunch with their families. You don’t need to practice hard to be able to cook this dish, because the way to cook it is quite simple.